The next two regiments, both present during the cmapaigns in the southern theatre are the fusilier regiments. Both of these regiments are made up from Perry Miniatures and work convincingly as light infantry or loyalist regiments as well when needed. Although the 7th have both the Kings Colour and their regimental standard I made the conscious decision to limited the standards carried to one and not two. First of all colour were generally not carried in the field because of contempt for the enemy (having it nicked would have had serious implications) and also because in the terrain of north America they were simply not practical. However, I do love the look of standards and I feel the Kings Colour has more impact.
7th Royal Fusliers
This unit took me a weekend to paint from beginning to end. The 7th Royal Fusiliers originally came to America in the shortened version of the grenadiers bearskin hat. However, it is almost certain that none of the fusilier or even the grenadiers used these in the field. I couldnt resist sticking with the bearskin for my Grenadiers however, but with the fusiliers I decided to stick with realism (besides, Perry only had fusiliers in the slouch hat).
Therefore, strictly speaking the basic uniform of the fusilier, compared to normal line regiments was no different. I have used Perrys line infantry in roundabouts marching stoicly towards the enemy.

The regiment had had a varied history up until its involvement in the Carolinas. It had not had much active field experience and I believe when it first encountered the enemy in the Guilford Courthouse campaign, especially at Cowpens, it was lacking in the necessary combat awareness to be fully effective. It was destroyed almost totally at Cowpens.
23rd Royal Welch Fusiliers

The 23rd had a bigger and more successful part to play in the war than the 7th and fought valiantly at Guilford Courthouse. The 23rd fought in almost every major engagement of the war (except Saratoga). They distinguished themselves in almost every engagement and even had the honour of serving as marines during '77 abd '78.
As you can see I used figures in the firing position for this regiment. I normally dont ike this pose as it looks rigid and unrealistic. However, the Perry's have managed to get some movement into the figures and you can imagine the men reaching for cartridges in a well disciplined and drilled way. I think they are great figures. I have added a Grenadier regiment to most of my units which givesw me the option to field a 20 strong regiment or to combine the grenadier companies into converged grenadier battalions.

Once again I must compliment you on the painting, I only wish I could paint like that!
ReplyDeleteFor the notebook apart from a touch of indicscipline when some elements 7th opened fire prematurely at Cowpens they were no as bad as 'painted' (forgive the pun). Accoding to Larry Babits in 'A Devil of a Whipping' the greatest number of casualties inflicted on the Continental line at Copwens was opposite the 7th position. This suggests that they were not as green as they were paineted (again a sorry pun). That said they did manage to lose yet another set of colour in America (the first being in 1776). What would Lady Bracknell have said?
I see you have used the Perry 'dedicated' 23rd RWF codes for your unit. I have always had my doubts about those figures, based on a Rick Scollins article in MM I think. From what I recall in Urban's 'Fusilers' the 23rd had receieved a new clothing issue just before GCH plus there are doubts about the use of the rounbdabout in line units. That said if I were going to use the Perry codes for the 23rd I would be happy if I could paint half as well as you!
You are quite right but I am a stickler for Perry's. Some call me a figure snob.......I have to agree!!! Thank you for the compliments though Thomas, much appreciated. Its nice to have the views of those interested in the subject and not just my girlfriends opinion (which is usually "Oh they are lovely darling. Can I have a cup of tea?)